Unfortunately, more often than not, this is the case for you. You tend to be undisciplined in the way you eat, knowing that you can enroll in the fitness gym whenever you want. You become involved in sa vicious cycle of gaining weight then losing it only to get it back again after a few months.
It's tiring, expensive, and frustrating. All the time and resources you spent for hope of a fit body became wasted because you enjoy too much sugar and don't have the guts to refrain from overindulging on your favorite foods. And while doing so, you also forget to exercise, believing that you already possess a healthy body.
That's why it's so important to incorporate physical activities in your daily lifestyle. The best way to do so is to have an exercise program which you can keep up with no matter how busy you are or how few the amount of money you have in your pocket.
Buying kettlebells or Pilates mats won't hurt your pocket. And doing routines using these equipment won't take much of your time. Just 30 minutes a day can give you a sense of accomplishment knowing that you have done something to be productive.
And more importantly, no matter if you gain back the appetite for sugar or fats, you always have the benefit of burning a few calories a day enough to give you a head start to starting to discipline yourself again in choosing the right foods.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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