Friday, August 10, 2012

Assembling a mini gym at my room

Going to the gym is one of the best ways to stay in shape and healthy. Nonetheless, it often requires huge amount of time and money, commuting and paying for membership fees. So when I found a way to fix my room so I can put up a "mini gym," I was so exuberant and excited to work out.

From Life's Rhythm Lived On

Putting up an area for weight-lifting also cost a lot, but it is a good investment if you want to have a weight-lifting program that you can maintain for a long time. For my mini gym, I listed the amount of money I spent overall:

1. Bench: 3,000 pesos
2. Barbell: 900 pesos
3. Dumbbell: 600 pesos
4. Medicine Ball: 400 pesos
5. Jumping Rope: 300 pesos
6. Plates: 250-350 pesos (each)
(I included a medicine ball and jumping rope for cardiovascular exercises.)

From Life's Rhythm Lived On

Finding an area to place the weights is very tricky, considering the width of the barbell and the length of the bench. A brilliant idea is to maximize the purpose of the bench so it can serve both as a bench press equipment and an ordinary bench. And what a better way to accomplish this than by putting it in front of the television? Well, that's what I did.

From Life's Rhythm Lived On

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